How can I purchase game currency?

Freeze Tag Support -

There are multiple types of currency that can be purchased for real money.



  • Bling


      1. Navigate to a screen that shows the bottom menu bar. (Main menu, Battle Menu, Dance Off, etc..)
      2. Click on the +Bling icon in the bottom right corner


  • Coins


      1. Similar to buying Bling and can be purchased of the same screens.
      2. Click the +Coins icon in the bottom right corner


  • Keys


    1. Navigate the the Main Menu
    2. Click on the Quest button in the top center of the screen
    3. Click on the +Key icon in the bottom right corner of the popup screen


    1. Navigate to the Arena Select screen
    2. Scroll to a locked Arena
    3. Click the +Keys button on the bottom right corner


    1. Click the Arena and if you need more keys it will take you to the key store
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